You might have seen industries like transportation, logistics, mining, manufacturing, etc. using a special type of platform scale to measure the weight of an entire vehicle. They are in fact using weighbridges to ensure their vehicle-driven operations run smoothly and without any safety or compliance issues.

But what is a weighbridge and how does it work? This blog answers these questions in detail. Here you will also learn about the main types and uses of this amazing tool.

So, keep reading till the end to find out more about weighbridges and their many applications

  • What is a Weighbridge?
  • Principle and Working of a Weighbridge
  • Types of Weighbridges
  • Uses of Weighbridge
  • Some Tips for Weighbridge Maintenance

What is a Weighbridge?

A weighbridge or a truck weighbridge scale is an instrument used to weigh very heavy loads carried by vehicles. This scale consists of a robust steel or concrete platform, a stable foundation, a weight terminal indicator, a junction box, a weighbridge controller, and some load cells/sensors.

All of these systems work together to convert the force applied by the vehicle standing on the platform into electrical signals and then into the weight of the applied load.

This device finds applications in industries like logistics, mining, quarrying, transportation, and freight. It gives you an easy way to exchange the value of goods and services and it helps the drivers figure out which roads, highways, and bridges to use. This ensures the safety of the load as well as the vehicles and the drivers.

Eagle Weighbridge

Principle and Working of a Weighbridge

A weighbridge works on the dynamic axle principle. It measures the axle weights while the vehicle moves over the surface of the sensor plate. The instrument measures the weight of each axle and shows it on a digital display.

The basic working involves measuring the changes in the load cell strain gauge as the weight of the vehicle applies a compressive force to it. 

A load cell is a sensor that measures force or weight and converts it into electrical output signals. 

As the vehicle puts weight on the platform the load cells sense the force and the changes in the wire lead to a change in the resistance to the current passing through it.

The analog signal from the load cells goes to a junction box which adds the signals from every load cell and then sends it to the weighbridge controller. The controller uses ADC or an analog-to-digital converter to digitize the signal and then shows the final results on an LCD display.

Types of Weighbridges

Following are a few main types of weighbridges based on their designs and intended usage

  • Above Ground Weighbridges

These weighing solutions are designed so that they rest above the ground level. They usually come with ramps for vehicles to reach the platform. These weighbridges are cost-effective and their installation is very simple and quick. These weighbridges are made from concrete and steel and they are ideal for locations with less space.

  • Semi-Pit Weighbridges

These weighbridges are partially in the ground which reduces the height of the ramps allowing for easy vehicle access. With these devices you get ease of maintenance as well as space efficiency.

  • Fully In-Ground or Pit-Mounted Weighbridges

These weighbridges are difficult to install as you need to first prepare a pit. Pit-mounted weighbridges are installed so that the surface of the weighing platform is level with the ground which leads to seamless vehicle access. The maintenance of these weighbridges is tricky as their internal parts rest below ground. 

  • Multiple Deck Weighbridges

These weighbridges consist of more than one weighing platform. You can use these to measure the weights of more vehicles or different parts of the same vehicle with high accuracy. These are mostly used in cases where very precise axle weight measurements are crucial.

  • Portable Weighbridges

As the name suggests, these weighbridges can be moved from one location to another with ease. These are ideal for temporary weighing applications in places with limited space availability.

These are used in temporary construction sites and in cases where installing a permanent pit-mounted or semi-pit-mounted weighbridge is impractical and costly.

Weighing a truck on a Eagle weighbridge

Uses of Weighbridge

Following are the main applications where weighbridges are commonly used

  • These are used in industries where very heavy loads have to be measured daily.
  • Industries and regulatory authorities use these to ensure that vehicles are following the guidelines for the roads.
  • They are used to measure the weights of goods before loading in logistics facilities.
  • These are used to calculate how much customers have to be charged based on the weight of the load they need to move.

Some Tips for Weighbridge Maintenance

The weighbridge maintenance is extremely important as it ensures you get accurate results every single time. It also adds more years to the life of the weighing scale giving you a much higher ROI.

Here are a few things you can do to keep your industrial weighbridge maintained

  • Schedule regular weighbridge calibration based on the manufacturer’s recommendations and your specific operation requirements.
  • Look for signs of wear and tear in load cells and other mechanisms and repair or replace damaged components.
  • Remove dust, debris, and residue from the weighing platform and address surface damages if any.
  • Use known test weights to check the accuracy of the weighbridge from time to time.
  • Update the software and firmware attached to the weighbridge to get the latest features and remove existing bugs.
  • Keep a comprehensive record of all the maintenance activities to better track the performance of your weighbridge system.

A truck in queue to be weighed on a weighbridge


A weighbridge is an important piece of equipment that is used in a vast variety of industries. It is a large scale that can weigh vehicles with or without their loads. This instrument uses load cells to convert the force applied by the vehicles into electric signals giving you an accurate estimate of their real weights.

You can find weighbridges in a number of variations such as portable, pit-mounted, and multiple-deck weighbridges just to name a few.

By choosing a weighbridge that meets your operational needs and by following the right maintenance and care practices you can ensure you get the right readings every single time.Visit Accurate Meezan today to order our premium quality truck weighbridge scales for all industrial applications.  


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